What Your Stomach Might Be Telling You About Your Heart Health

What Your Stomach Might Be Telling You About Your Heart Health

When unaddressed, heart disease may be terminal, and most people don’t know that a damaged heart can degrade the state of your digestive system. Although it’s important to protect the heart, strengthening the digestive system is just as necessary for boosting overall health.

The Connection Between Heart Issues and the Digestive System

The heart ensures blood circulation to each organ of the body. Heart issues like narrowed blood vessels prevent the blood from reaching the muscles, impairing the body’s regular functions.

When the stomach doesn’t get enough blood, you may experience painful symptoms, from abdominal discomfort and vomiting to nausea and diarrhea.

Some patients limit their food portions to alleviate their symptoms, further damaging their health. Without a sufficient nutrient intake, the body deteriorates, leading to weight loss.

Anyone experiencing persistent stomach pain should reach out to their health care provider to check whether an underlying heart condition is causing the trouble.

How to Protect the Digestive System

The best way to protect the digestive system is by developing healthier lifestyle habits. They’ll keep the stomach in good condition and enhance your overall health.

More Physical Activity

Incorporating 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine will keep the stomach and the heart working properly. Physical activity combats constipation and improves digestion, so you can enjoy a hearty meal without worrying about accompanying pain.

Add Fiber to Your Diet

A fiber-rich diet prevents stomach issues, so make sure there are always some beans, rice, berries, and nuts on your plate.

Talk to a Professional

If you’re experiencing persistent stomach issues, reach out to a medical expert immediately. They’ll determine whether your heart struggles to pump blood and recommend the best treatment plan. Remember that early diagnosis is vital in preventing heart failure.

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