Visceral Fat and How to Lose It

Visceral fat isn’t visible to the naked eye. Some may think it’s typical belly fat, but those extra mid-body pounds consist of subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat surrounds your vital organs, is located in the abdominal area, and isn’t visible. It accounts for 10% of your total body fat. It doesn’t matter if you’re fat or thin; everyone has it.

A simple way to determine your visceral fat level is to calculate your total body fat percentage and deduct 10%. If your body fat percentage is above normal, so is your visceral fat. Too much visceral fat can cause numerous health issues.

How Do We Get Visceral Fat and Why Is It Bad?

Visceral fat is mostly the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices. Its biggest contributing factors are overeating, consuming ultra-processed foods, and a lack of exercise. In some cases, an overabundance of visceral fat could come from hormonal imbalances. Some researchers also believe that stress and alcohol consumption could play a role.

Too much visceral fat in the body can result in it wrapping around vital organs causing inflammation. This can lead to serious health conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and obesity.

How to Lose Visceral Fat

Fortunately, the first fat the body tends to lose when reducing weight is visceral. This can be promoted by eating healthier and maintaining an exercise routine that is aerobic-heavy. Other methods include fasting, eating metabolism-activating foods, and in extreme cases, bariatric surgery.

Know the Risks of Visceral Fat

If you believe you have too much visceral fat, speak to a doctor about what your options are. Too much visceral fat can lead to several negative health conditions. Diet and aerobic exercise are the keys to shedding this unhealthy fat.

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