Signs You Need to Get Your Circulatory System Checked

Your circulatory system ensures your whole body is well-supplied with oxygen-rich blood. Proper circulation is crucial for overall health, but circulatory issues are often overlooked as they don’t always have explicit symptoms.

Here are the signs your blood may not be circulating properly and what to do about it.

Causes and Symptoms of Poor Circulation

Blockages in your arteries can impair your circulatory system, resulting in poor circulation. This condition is called peripheral arterial disease, and it can be caused by a combination of factors, including smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and a genetic predisposition.

The body can compensate for circulatory issues in most cases, which is why it is hard to identify this condition. However, the following signs can indicate your blood isn’t traveling correctly through your body:

  • Always feeling cold
  • Tingling or numbness in the limbs
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Pain in the calves, especially when walking
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle cramping
  • Fatigue or lack of stamina
  • Forefoot pain, especially when resting
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Bluish skin color, especially on the feet
  • Eye problems like focal weakness

What to Do About It

Poor circulation is often a result of another condition worthy of your focus. However, certain lifestyle changes can also help you manage the symptoms mentioned above. Implementing the Mediterranean diet has been shown to improve circulation and boost heart health. To encourage healthy blood flow, staying active and engaging your legs in physical activities is also highly recommended.

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