Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections Are on the Rise; These Signs Could Indicate You’ve Caught the Virus

Like other respiratory viruses, the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) causes a lot of associated illnesses. The virus affects respiratory organs, including the nose, throat, and lungs. The infections usually spike during late fall and winter. However, this year has seen the virus take on earlier than usual. As of now, cases of RSV are on the rise and hospitals are under immense strain.

Signs of RSV

Coughing is a clear sign of RSV because the virus causes increased secretions in the Airpipe. While many adults can easily cough out these fluids, infants might have trouble doing so because their muscles are still fragile. Therefore, they need help clearing their airways. If that’s the case, have a doctor examine your child immediately if they start to cough.

Trouble breathing is also a common sign of RSV. It can be accompanied by erratic breathing and wheezing. Trouble breathing can cause concern, especially in infants, because they might experience trouble eating and drinking.

Another symptom of RSV is a runny nose due to increased mucus production. Mucus can cause a blockage of the respiratory tract, and that’s why doctors recommend nasal sanctioning, especially for infants.

Other common signs of RSV include:

  • Headaches in adults
  • Fever
  • Not drinking or eating as much

If you experience or notice any of the above symptoms in your child, it’s best to see a medical professional immediately so they can monitor the situation.

Treatment for RSV

Unfortunately, there’s no specific treatment for RSV. However, in severe cases, doctors might prescribe painkillers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen to treat the symptoms.

The best way to beat RSV is by consuming a lot of fluids to stay hydrated. If your infant isn’t eating or drinking enough due to the virus, they might become dehydrated. As a result, their diapers are often dry. You should, therefore, seek medical help immediately.

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