Reduce Diabetes Risk in 4 Steps

Approximately a third of American adults are close to developing diabetes and are unaware of it. Fortunately, making a few lifestyle changes can reduce this risk. It’s never too late to start taking after your health, and here are four things that can help you prevent diabetes.

Balance Your Food Intake

Eating a well-adjusted diet is mandatory for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Blood sugar sensitivity varies from person to person, but some general rules should help.

Avoid excess refined sugars because they get digested faster and spike your insulin levels, leading to the development of this disease.

Reduce sweetened beverages, white bread, and other sugar-infused treats to a minimum and replace them with more fiber-rich carbohydrates.

Instead, build your meals around lean protein, fiber, and some fats. These foods assist in managing healthy blood sugar levels.

Unsaturated fats are “good” fats because they promote healthy blood cholesterol. Foods like olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish assist in maintaining good cardiovascular health.

For saturated fats, choose low-fat dairy products and lean meat. Eating these high-calorie foods in moderation helps you prevent insulin spikes.

Be Physically Active

Physical activity has considerable benefits for physical and mental health. A 30-minute aerobic exercise helps you lose weight and lower your blood sugar, which is essential for diabetes prevention. Light exercises also help you develop and keep good habits.

Lose Weight

People with higher BMI (Body Mass Index) are at a more significant risk of developing diabetes. Maintaining a healthy body weight reduces the risk of diabetes. However, it’s best to avoid too restrictive diets. Instead, focus on maintaining healthy habits. These include healthy dietary choices and regular physical activity.

Consult a Professional

Preventing diabetes is all about leading a balanced lifestyle. You can maintain healthy habits without restricting yourself and build a routine that becomes a habit. If you think you might be at risk of developing diabetes, consult a nutritionist or a doctor for advice.

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