Need a Healthy, Protein-Packed Breakfast? Try These 5 Recipes

As the most important meal of the day, your breakfast should be healthy and packed with protein. Try these five recipes to achieve both goals.

Chorizo Burrito

You might be used to bacon burritos, but chorizo is just as delicious. Add it to your standard scrambled eggs, potato and whole-grain wrap mix and enjoy over 40 grams of protein in one meal.

Smoked Salmon Sandwich

It doesn’t get any tastier and healthier than smoked salmon for breakfast. With lots of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, it protects your heart and keeps your weight in check. Incorporate it into your protein-filled whole-grain bread and Greek yogurt sandwich for the ultimate indulgence. The mixture should easily give you 20-25 grams of protein.

Greek Yogurt Parfait

If you want a fancy yet healthy breakfast, Greek yogurt parfait is a great choice. Two ingredients of this recipe are chock-full of protein: granola (4 grams per serving) and Greek yogurt (10 grams of protein per 100 grams).

Peanut Butter and Banana Oatmeal

Chop a banana or two into a bowl filled with oats and add two or three tablespoons of your favorite peanut butter for a proper protein surge. Drench the dish with milk, and you’ll get a healthy, hassle-free breakfast.

Blueberry Ricotta Pancakes

Blueberry ricotta pancakes are easy to make and contain lots of protein. Best of all, they’re light and super-moist.

Set the Tone for the Rest of the Day

By elevating your morning protein intake, you reduce hunger for the rest of the day while boosting your heart health and muscle repair. Experiment with these five breakfast recipes, and you’ll easily meet your daily protein goals.

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