5 Ugly Side Effects of Eating Too Much Pasta, According to Science

5 Ugly Side Effects of Eating Too Much Pasta, According to Science

Pasta has numerous health benefits – it’s low in sodium, cholesterol-free, and high in folic acid and slow carbohydrates. However, too much pasta may cause unpleasant adverse effects.

Keep reading to discover why you should be mindful of your pasta intake.

Increased Diabetes Risk

Pasta is high in carbohydrates necessary to keep you active. But high carbohydrate intake is associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Missing Out on Fiber and Protein

A healthy diet is a diverse diet. If you eat pasta for lunch and dinner daily, chances are, you’re missing out on protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Consider switching pasta up for potatoes, beans, buckwheat, or vegetable salads a couple of times a week to balance your diet.

Increased Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Wholegrain pasta is a much healthier choice than refined pasta. Refined grains are high in carbohydrates, and overly high carbohydrate consumption may lead to the development of cardiovascular disease.


Another high refined grain intake issue is increased blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Over time, untreated hypertension may lead to a heart attack or heart failure. Therefore, replace white pasta varieties with wholegrain or reduce your pasta intake to once a week.

Weight Gain

It’s all about the portion size. Pasta is relatively high in calories, so daily pasta consumption can lead to weight gain and health issues related to it – heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, and osteoarthritis. Be mindful of your serving sizes and what you add to your pasta meal.

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