3 Symptoms of a COVID-Related Eye Problem

People respond differently to a COVID infection. The virus comprises many common symptoms, from fatigue and fever to uncommon symptoms like eye problems. COVID causes inflammation in the body. It can create blood clots that may travel and reach the blood vessels in the eye. However, since eye problems caused by COVID are uncommon compared to the other symptoms, not many people know how to recognize COVID-related eye problems.

If you’re concerned about COVID affecting your eyes, keep reading for three signs of a COVID-related eye problem.

Heads and Light Sensitivity

COVID can trigger recurring headaches that cause the eyes to hurt in bright light. A source of light sensitivity when COVID infects the eye and causes conjunctivitis is commonly known as pink eye. Conjunctivitis remains the most common COVID sign in children’s and adult’s eyes. The symptoms of light sensitivity include eye strain, squinting, headaches or migraines, and feeling dizzy.

“Cotton Wool” Spots on Your Eye

Blood clots prevent nutrients from reaching your retina, and the retina issue begins to expand and die. This effect will show white, fluffy, cotton wool-looking areas in your eye. Fortunately, these spots do not usually affect your vision.

Blurred Vision or Blind Spots

Retina artery blood clots can also block oxygen and cause cells to die. This condition is known as eye stroke or retinal artery occlusion. If you’ve had COVID and begin to experience blind spots or blurred vision, arrange to be seen by a specialist straight away. If left untreated, eye stroke will lead to vision loss.

Contact an Eye Specialist to Investigate

Although uncommon, a COVID infection can cause eye problems due to blood clots related to the inflammation. If you’ve had COVID or think you may have it and there is a sudden and persistent change to your eye or eyesight, contact a specialist immediately.

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